I've been using Andrea's life strategy, The Rule of Awesome, in relation to food for years now but I only just found out how incredibly helpful it can be when applied to the rest of life as well!! As an extrovert and avid socializer my default was always to say YES to most invites. However, lately I have been feeling really stretched thin and I started to ask myself with each invitation..."Will this event/dinner party make me feel awesome or not?" When my gut instinct was "no, it will make me feel more stressed!" I learned to say no and be more discerning! I feel so much more confident in my ability to say yes AND no with confidence and clarity now, thanks to the Rule of Awesome!!
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The exclusive TOGETHER FORUM is a community of achievers who are all on a journey of building a success mindset, not only in terms of fitness goals, but for any goal in life.
Members of this group have all taken one of Andrea Marcellus’ workshops, programs or classes, and are here by request or invitation only to ensure that everyone is on the same page, so to speak.
As you continue discovering what works best for you in realigning habits to support your goals - fitness or otherwise, please share with this group ideas, questions, achievements and frustrations.
Andrea and her team will pop in & out to help, but the goal is for this to become a self-sustaining community of people interested in developing strength and confidence - body, mind and soul!
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