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A dessert shake that can help you lose weight: Andrea’s famous Sham-Shake

A dessert shake that can help you lose weight: Andrea’s famous Sham-Shake

I’m not Irish, but I look good in green so that counts for something, right? Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, here’s my tried and true shake recipe made minty and green for the occasion!

I LOVE shakes and smoothies, but as mentioned in my previous blog about three reasons why smoothies are derailing your weight loss plans, my approach to them is very different.

First off all, I NEVER drink more than 8oz a time - portions are the #1 key to weight loss. Secondly, mine are based with cubes o

f frozen vanilla whole milk yogurt instead of fruit. I also steer clear of processed protein powders, because the body does better with weight loss keeping processed anything to a minimum. (Plus, real foods just taste better!)

Here’s a look at what goes into my shakes:

  1. Yogurt - Using a mini-muffin tin, scoop 2 oz of full-fat organic vanilla yogurt into each cup. Freeze completely and pop them out when you are ready to start blending. Yogurt substitutes work as well.

  2. Milk or Milk Substitute - Cow, hemp and oat milks are my top choices for their protein content. You can do almond or coconut milks as well, but be sure to get protein and fat another way. All of these choices will lend a unique and awesome taste to your shake - pick any of them, you can’t lose!

  3. Honey - This will be your go-to sweetener. Using local honey can help with your seasonal allergies over time. Using Manuka honey (over +10 rated) has enormous health benefits - but it’s pricey!

  4. Veggie - Always hide a deep green veggie in your smoothie such as spinach leaves or kale.

  5. Fruit - Start with just a half cup of fruit and see if that’s enough. Don’t go beyond 1 cup.

  6. Nut Butter - If you’re not allergic to nuts, nut butters are a far better way to get protein (and also beneficial fat) into your diet than a processed protein powder. If you have a nut allergy, no worries. The protein in the yogurt is plenty unless you have a deficiency and really need the extra boost. If you’re allergic to nuts and you’re using a milk substitute for your cubes, please use oat or hemp. If you don’t have that, add the best plant-based protein powder you can.

Here are the ratios per serving: 2 yogurt cubes (½ cup of yogurt frozen in ), 1-2 tablespoons of honey (to taste), 1 cup of milk or milk substitute, 1 cup of greens, ½ cup of fruit, and 1 tablespoon of nut butter (optional).

For my ShamShake - which is a fabulous way to have your desert and keep your weight loss goals on track - make these adjustments to the basic recipe:

  1. Use only blueberries for fruit

  2. Add ½ tsp mint extract & a few drops of green food coloring

  3. Add some fresh mint leaves if you have them

  4. Garnish with mint leaves on top cuz why not be fancy for yourself?!

Be sure to check out my AND/life app for a recipe library packed with tons of fast, healthy ideas like this.

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